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Connect with the Energies for Climate community 

Connect with citizens, entrepreneurs and organisations that all want to tackle the challenge of a low-carbon and accessible energy. We can’t wait for you to get on board and here is how…

Join online

Join the group to meet with a whole bunch of like minded, diverse and committed energy lovers.
They are experts, social entrepreneurs, citizens and leaders in changing our world through collective actions, knowledge exchange and fruitful discussions.

Join offline

Attend the next event or workshop in your city.

From March to June, Energies for Climate is going on a worldwide SenseTour to meet you! Is Olivier passing by your country?

MakeSense is a global community. You will certainly find an active MakeSense Chapter close to the place you call home.


Become an ambassador

You are convinced that energy transition is key to reach the UN Sustainable Development Goals? You want to find innovative solutions to ensure that everyone has access to energy while combating climate change and preserving our environment? Then you found the right place at the right time!

The Energies for Climate team has designed a program so that YOU can become an ambassador for the mobilisation and build an Energies for Climate community in your city to address your local issues.

Become a SenseReporter

Our articles are also written by members from the community who want to  share their stories, experience or knowledge. They are our SenseReporters! Becoming a SenseReporter is easy, join the english speaking or french speaking teams, where you will be welcomed by Aurore, our Editor in Chief.

You don’t feel like a reporter but have useful tips and content to share with the community? Join the conversation on the Energies for Climate Group!

Help him!

We are all ears!

Maud & Olivier

Feel free to send us your questions and suggestions!
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